Paid leave, flexible schedules, and adequate breaks may help those with difficulty managing their conditions.…
Adults with high levels of playfulness showed strong resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to…
Using a new method to study how carbohydrates modify proteins, scientists have discovered that gut…
More than 9,000 nurses surveyed across 35 countries share mental health challenges coming out of…
The U.S. criminal justice system has long been scrutinized for its treatment of vulnerable populations,…
Study of nearly 39,000 health records is the first to examine access to firearms and…
America’s drinking water infrastructure is a marvel of engineering that supports the lives of over…
Nearly a third of people in the U.S. have been exposed to unregulated contaminants in…
A transfer pathway to the Zuckerman College of Public Health will enable Tohono O’odham Community…
Picture two patients receiving acute care: one is hospitalized in a unit where three nurses…