A shift from brain systems controlling reward-driven use to habit-driven use differentiates heavy cannabis users…
Month: June 2019
One of the most successful interventions in reducing infectious disease worldwide, vaccination, still has limited…
Previous research has suggested that some contraceptive methods may increase women’s susceptibility to HIV. However,…
A University of Houston engineer is reporting in eNeuro that a brain-computer interface, a form of artificial…
Scientists have identified nearly 400 established medical practices that have been found to be ineffective…
In a search for clues to what may delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease, Johns Hopkins…
Surgery is the only way to stop seizures in 30 percent of patients with focal…
A five-year study at Boston Children’s Hospital reports success with a program it started in…
Using data from privately-insured adults, new findings from The University of Texas Medical Branch at…
A team of researchers from the NYU Silver School of Social Work has found that…