Susceptibility to misinformation and disinformation likely to have played part in Leave vote New research…
A simulation study conducted by a team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) demonstrates…
Strip searching a child without appropriate consent is “sexual abuse,” and should attract heavy sanctions—backed…
Nothing calls to mind nonsensical treatments and bizarre religious healing rituals as easily as the…
Cigarette style graphic warning labels could reduce people’s meat consumption, according to new research published…
The Department of Health and Human Services’s proposed rules would needlessly stifle essential U.S. research.…
A team of international researchers has published the first comprehensive comparative pan-genome analysis of lactic…
A genetic testing company publicly stored consumers’ genetic data with no encryption. The FTC stepped…
There is a widening health disparity among Black, American Indian and Alaska Native adults exposed…
Annual rates of emergency department visits for cannabis-involved traffic injury increased by 475 percent over…